- Movement Medicine
- Group Programmes
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- Movement Medicine
- Group Programmes
- Movement Medicine
- Group Programmes
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- Movement Medicine
- Group Programmes
- Movement Medicine
- Group Programmes
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- Movement Medicine
- Group Programmes
- Movement Medicine
- Group Programmes
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- Movement Medicine
- Group Programmes
online morning movement sessions
Come dance with us, online!
Wake up and Move is an invitation to come on down into the body to wake up your aliveness, your creativity and your resources. It's a chance to sense how you are, express yourself, play, explore, release and renew your connection to yourself.
"The sessions have not only kept me sane during these extremely chaotic times, but have also been a channel for finding such joy and connection with self, and others from around the globe."
Elizebeth, South Africa
What is Wake up & Move?
Music and Movement
It's a practice space - a dedicated time and space for you to turn up and practice coming into the body and connecting to yourself in movement. It's unfacilitated, or rather, the music and the safety and strength of the container are what facilitates you to drop in and follow your own inner guidance. You can bring whatever existing movement and meditation practice you have or simply let yourself be led by the music and by what happens once you start to move your body.
Practicing Presence
Come, listen to fabulous music and dance to your heart's content! You might find that this leads you to engage in the simplest yet most advanced practice there is: becoming present. This is the practice, right? To show up for and with ourselves, with our wise bodies, our beating hearts and with our minds open. To keep showing up for life as it presents itself, on any given day, with all that it lays at our door. To keep on showing up with curiosity and compassion. To keep on showing up for all that we are connected to, for all that matters to us, for our dreams, for our pleasure, for our healing, for the next step on our unique life journey.
Community and Momentum
And, of course, to help us to show up, good company is an important ingredient- knowing that there are others who will be there at this specific time and place can help us with our motivation and momentum, particularly on those days when there is resistance, little energy or lots of other things vying for our attention.
Join us for a morning dance
Wednesdays and Fridays at 7am UK for 45 minutes
"It helps me return to myself in a way that is not cerebral but indigenous to myself. It's a way of consistently entering the temple.
Thank you for helping my heart find a home."
Daniel, US
Repetition, Resource and Resilience
Over time, repetition deepens our connection to our practice, to ourselves and to each other. Over time, this showing up creates a strong rhythm into which we can lean and which carries us through the weeks, months, years, with a little more ground under our feet, a little more feet in our shoes, a little more trust in our capacity to meet life as it unfolds, with its ups and downs, walls and open doors and different weathers in our inner and outer landscapes. Quite apart from this being about moving, dancing and embodying, this is also a little oasis where you can refuel and reset your compass in these uncertain and intense times. It's a safe and sacred sanctuary for your soul.
Continuity in Times of Change
Wake up and Move! originally started in the lockdown days of the pandemic in March 2020. And we have continued to connect and move together in this way for some years now. The groups are smaller but we still meet on Wednesdays and Fridays every week to ground our days in movement, to find our feet, our hearts and our resources. Over this time we have woven some beautiful connections across countries and continents and this is the strong container we can all relax and lean into, however we feel on the day, whatever we bring. Wake up and Move has been a thread of continuity through the many uncertainties of the times we are living in. Amidst the choppy seas of change, these sessions are a practical way to keep anchoring again and again in the resource of movement and connection.
"Such a precious resource in these uncertain times, to have such a tenderly held space where I am able to be however I am and move with whatever arises whether joy or sorrow, fluidity or constriction, outrage or gratitude, terror or curiosity. To inhabit my body and celebrate my being and explore how to be at home in the world inside and outside of myself!"
Kerri, UK
How It Works
1Drop in
Join us on zoom from wherever you are in the world! Dance from the comfort of your own home, your garden or wherever you feel comfortable. Turn up in in your pyjamas or your best dancing dress, on or off screen, whatever works for you! Music is on from 10 minutes before starting time for those who like a longer slower pace of landing in the space.
Bring your body into movement. There's no right or wrong way to move! Simply follow where the music and the energy of the day take you. If you have an existing conscious dance practice, feel free to use it. Follow your own pace, no need to push, no need to hold back!
At the end of the session, we take a moment to connect in community, acknowledging each others as companions on this movement journey, whose presence adds to the experience. Over time, you might find that these other dancers who you've never met, start to feel like friends... Week after week, we are building a community of practice, and, as one participant says, this is 'not a community of proximity but of affinity.'
"The sessions are just long enough for my body to unfurl and energise for the day. I love the music and the gentle, supportive atmosphere. Dancing with others across the world, I feel connected and inspired and grateful in so many ways. It’s a beautiful morning ritual."
Yasmin, UK
See you on the dancefloor?
Come and join us on a Wednesday or Friday morning
"It's morning again and
I'm the lucky person that is in it."
Mary Oliver
© 2020