Healing and change are possible when we come home to our bodies, follow their wild wisdom and remember that we belong to the web of life
with Petra Bongartz
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Work with me
1-2-1 Support
Move out of overwhelm, grow your capacity to navigate life's ups and downs and unravel patterns that keep you stuck so that you can follow your longings and bring more of who you are into the world. Rooted in somatic, nervous system and trauma-informed practices, this work is here to support you with your big questions, life changes and your ongoing healing journey.
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Movement Medicine
Learn how movement can become your own medicine. Dance to remember who you are. Dance to reclaim your aliveness, creativity and power. Dance to resource, release and renew. Dance your way to healing and wholeness so you can be who you are and give what you've got!
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Circles of Change
Connect, resource, practice & learn in communities of affinity via courses and group programmes that help you tap into the wild wisdom of life in your own body and foster a deep sense of belonging to the web of life via embodied, earth-based and creative practices.
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© 2020