- Movement Medicine
- Group Programmes
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- Movement Medicine
- Group Programmes
- Movement Medicine
- Group Programmes
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- Movement Medicine
- Group Programmes
- Movement Medicine
- Group Programmes
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- Movement Medicine
- Group Programmes
- Movement Medicine
- Group Programmes
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- Movement Medicine
- Group Programmes
Movement as Medicine
We dance to remember who we are
We dance to reclaim our embodied aliveness, our creativity and our power
We dance to tap into the wisdom of our bodies, hearts and minds
We dance to resource and reconnect with ourselves, each other and the web of life
"Movement has the capacity to take us to the home of the soul, the world within for which we have no name.
Movement reaches our deepest nature,
and dance creatively expresses it.
Through dance, we gain new insights
into the mystery of our lives.
When brought forth from the inside andforged by the desire to create personal change,
dance has the profound power to heal
the body, psyche and soul."
Anna Halprin
Come dance...
Classes & Workshops
Online and in person dance spaces
Wake up & Move!
Online morning movement sessions
Ceremonies & Rituals
Sacred space to reconnect
"Petra holds a beautiful safe space which is woven together with clarity, a wide allowing of whatever arises, and an encouraging soft feminine quality. She creates a deeply nurturing, wide ground of love and compassion for each participant and their process. Her spaces are firmly held, yet never too tight, leaving all the freedom for personal process and what that may need."
Hanna R., South Africa
Movement Medicine
A movement practice for our times
Movement Medicine is an intentional movement practice that helps you to engage authentically with your inner and outer landscapes. It weaves together the wisdom of many different traditions, healing modalities and therapeutic approaches including dance, neuroscience, shamanism, family constellations, gestalt therapy and more.
Accessing the deep wisdom of the body
The practices of Movement Medicine connect us with the aliveness and wisdom of our bodies, hearts and minds, with each other and with the world. Through engaging body, heart and mind together in movement, we are able to access a different kind of intelligence from the one we generally use- a more holistic and connected understanding of the world and ourselves. In the dance, we re-member ourselves as creative, choiceful and interconnected beings. The embodied practices of Movement Medicine enable us to be and move with all that life has to offer.
Be who you are, give what you've got
Movement Medicine is a journey of discovery and an enquiry into how to be fully alive. Who are we and what is our purpose? How can we live our fullest potential and contribute to the more beautiful world our hearts know is possible: a world of flourishing, equity and wellbeing for all? Our own healing is an important part of our purpose and the foundation for contributing to change in the world.
Find out more about Movement Medicine here.
"I am so deeply touched by this dance, a real revelation! I have discovered aliveness I did not know I had... I was able to find the needed deep relaxation and could release sadness in such a soft way. I have never before felt this present in my body and in the now. Respecting my body brought me deeper in connection -with myself and the others and the whole."
Bene, BelgiumWhy is movement medicine?
Our bodies are full of wisdom. The intelligence of life which evolved over billions of years also lives in our own bodies. However, this wisdom has been covered over by layer upon layer of unsupportive, if not outright oppressive cultural, ancestral, familial and personal stories. Our dominant culture prioritises ‘rational thinking’ over feeling and the sensory experience of our bodies. And an entire industry is focused on making us feel that we are not enough, deeply disturbing our connection to the body.
Through our movement practice, we can reclaim our connection to the landscape of our body, inhabit ourselves more fully and find our way back to the support, guidance, vitality and joy inside ourselves. As we begin to be more ‘at home’ in our bodies, we start to bring healing to our disconnection and increase our capacity to meet life’s challenges from a place of resource. We bring our habitual patterns into consciousness and thereby open the door to change.
Embodied practices are a resource in times of challenge and change, because they help us to remember and connect to the greater holding that is available to us from the ground, from the Earth and from Spirit.
"Dance is the hidden language of the soul of the body.
Movement never lies. It is a barometer telling the state of the soul's weather
to all who can read it. The body says what words cannot."
Martha Graham
Through Movement Medicine we ...
Ground & Resource
Through our body, we find our connection with the ground. We feel into what is true, re-awaken to our aliveness and to what matters to us. We remember the bigger forces that hold and nourish us.
Express & Create
We expand our vocabulary and courage for self expression so that we can show up more fully and creatively in the world and set the boundaries we need live and love with integrity.
Release & Follow
We need to move in order not to get stuck. Like water, what gets stagnant festers and creates dis-ease, be that stress, anxiety or illness. Through our dance we release tension and loosen the tight hold that our habitual thought patterns have on us.
Heal & Change
With our movement, we create space for something new and different to happen. We are clearer about what is needed and can call on inner and outer support so that we may take the next steps that are in alignment with our intentions.
© 2020